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Module 2: What to focus on with family and society? 


  • Social Determinants of Health 

  • Family Constructs; Functional Processes 

  • Family Experiences of Health and Illness 

  • Illness Suffering 

  • Genomics 

Pages of Book


Suggested Readings

  • World Health Organization. (2020). Social determinants of health. 

  • Eggenberger, S. & Nelms, T. (2007). Being family: the family experience when an adult member is hospitalized with a critical illness. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 1618-1628. 

  • Eggenberger, S., Meiers, S., Krumwiede, N., Bliesmer, M., & Earle, P. (2011). Reintegration within families in the context of chronic illness: a family health promoting process. Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness, 3, 283-293.  

  • Chesla, C. (2005). Nursing science and chronic illness: Articulating suffering and possibility in family life. Journal of Family Nursing, 11(4), 371-387. 


Novels: Still Alice (Early Onset Alzheimers)  and Inside the O’Briens (Huntington’s Disease)  by Lisa Genova. One class period is used to discuss the families represented in the novels. 


Suggested Discussion

Assign each student group one of the determinants listed on the WHO website. Have the groups discuss how the assigned determinant of health and social policies have affected their family’s health or how could the assigned determinant of health and social policies affect a family’s health. Have each group report to the class about the determinant of health they were assigned with examples of how it could impact family health. 

Business meeting in a cafe
Pink Paper Structures


Suggested Activities

Practice drawing a pedigree/genogram: Have students draw their own pedigree/genogram with family health history. OR have students partner up and draw each other’s pedigree/genogram including known family health history. Discuss difficulties with the standard pedigree/genogram structure for various cultures (ie: how do you draw families where it’s custom to have multiple wives? How do you draw a non-binary person?) 


Sample Lecture

Sample Powerpoint for Module 2

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